Monday, March 25, 2013

Is it Spring or Winter?

What a start to spring!!!  Saturday was a warm spring day, yesterday was gray and rainy until 4PM then the temperature starting dropping and snow started.  We did not yet that much maybe 2 inches. 

Today is cold and gray.  This weekend is supposed to be in the fifties so that will really feel good.  This year is just going to be one of those years spring will be here when Mother Nature thinks it is appropriate.

I just got a call from our heating and air repair company wanting to come tomorrow to check out our air conditioner.  I asked them to call back when it is warmer here.  I don't think it is that important yet.  I rally don't want to drag our garden hoses out for them to wash the air conditioners down.

At least this weather gives everyone something to talk about.  We have been very fortunate not to have had any severe rain storms or heavy snows week after week. In short we are just counting our blessings.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spring Thaw on the Way

Our little household is so excited with the weather forecast this coming weekend 60 degrees is predicted.  Our winter has been harsh compared to the last few winters.  Long, cold, and snowy.  Granted we have not had the harsh winters of our northern neighbors, but it has been nasty here.  We did need to rotate into a normal winter, but I am glad the end is in sight.

Pastures will be greening up, gardening is that much closers, and we won't have to layer up just to function outdoors. All the baby animals will also start showing up for visits and baby anythings are cute. I am anxious to get windows open and get fresh air into the houses and start cleaning and organizing, buildings, the house, and cleaning out vehicles. 

Our grandchildren are really anxious for spring to get here, they will be out this weekend trudging through mud and keeping their Mom's busy with laundry at the end of the day.