Sunday, October 14, 2012

Do Herford Cows Wear Raincoats?

We babysat for 4 of our grand kids last weekend.  The main topic of conversation for the two youngest ones was "Do you Cows wear rain coats when it rains?".  Of course my answer was "No they like to stand in the rain".  Then came the "Do they wear winter coats, hats and boots when it snows?".  Again the "No they like to stand out in the snow ".  Finally after every weather question they could ask, they were satisfied.  That is our job as grandparents to answer all the seemingly obvious questions we all take for granted as adults.  I grew up on a farm and just understood how things are. After we have returned to this life in our retirement year, now is our job to share all this with our grand kids.  We enjoy them and all their questions and I just hope we are giving the right answers and they are learning about this way of life.  Grand children are the greatest joy there is, and you do not understand how much joy you receive until you experience them.

Speaking of joy, yesterday was clean out the barn and spread lime day.  We had borrowed a skid steer form the neighbors and it really wasn't a horrible job.  My husband was operating the skid steer and spreading the manure on the pastures with hos tractor and spreader, I was the boots on the ground with all the hand tools person.  I am definitely experienced with these and the day went just fine. It was a long 10 hour job, but we beat the rain and it is done till spring.  Of course it was impossible for me to stay clean but unlike last spring I didn't fall in it.  When that happened it was up half way to my knees when I was pulled to ground the only option was to roll out.  I thought it was solid ground and it was a nasty experience.  None of the cows got out and everything ended up just fine.

We do have one calf that is really fun to watch.  The little heifer that was born Sept. 15 of this year chases cars.  She runs the length of the fence on the road side chasing any car that pasts.  We may have to watch her, she may end up a jumper and we will be calls in the middle of the night she has escaped.  Keeps life interesting.

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