Sunday, September 23, 2012

Adding To The Harvest

My garden is still producing and today I picked tomatoes, peppers, and dug 15 pounds of potatoes. 

I still have more potatoes to dig.  I will get it all done in between everything else that is going on.

I have a ton of peppers to do something with.  I think it is time to start chopping and freezing them.  I  freeze them on cookie sheets then bag them in small bags.  I use my vacuum system so they keep in the freezer a long time, sometimes I have so many they will last 2 years.

I only cook for 2, but I cook every meal so anything I freeze and pressure can helps with meal planning.  It also saves a lot of money.  Grocery shopping is not my favorite thing to do so I stock up when I do have to go.

My intentions of starting fall cleaning are still there and I am making very slow progress in that area.
I am still in the reorganizing phase right now and am finding several items to be mended.  I am catching that up.

When I do get started cleaning my husband will disappear to his building and to the farm, he hates that time of the year.  I loose him at least two times a year, but he always shows up at meal time.

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